Cryousers conference at St Andrews University 27th-29th August-2019

The CryoUsers conference is a Bi Annual event organised by the British Cryogenics Council and was held this year at

The St Andrews University School of Physics & Astronomy. 

Statebourne were happy to be a sponsor, we also had our associates from the U.S.A. Kelvin International in attendance as a delegate.

The conference included many interesting and informative lectures from the world of cryogenics held over two days.  The conference was a huge success and a great way for Statebourne to meet many of the Delegates and Sponsors from the world of Cryogenic technology discussing future applications and uses of Liquid Nitrogen, Helium and Hydrogen areas that Statebourne excels in.

Pre dinner reception in the superb grounds of St Andrews University.

Delegates at the exhibition area.

The event also included a superb tour of the Vibration and Cryogenics labs at the University.

Callum Smith from St Andrews demonstrating the equipment monitoring.

Professor Peter Whal of St Andrews giving a talk on Low Temperature Physics.

A Big thank you to everyone who helped organise the 2019 Cryousers Conference for a superb event.

Statebourne Cryogenics Ltd.


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